photography Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl Lifestyle and Graphic Design Blog Tue, 12 Feb 2019 19:05:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 photography Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl 32 32 Chelsea Emrich Photography Tue, 12 Feb 2019 19:05:10 +0000 My Giveaway Winners Branding!!! I LOVED doing this project because I had so much freedom to do what inspired me. She wanted a variation of fun fonts and a simple floral/greenery element and these are the fun options I came up with. Doing branding never gets old for me. I love seeing how a great...

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My Giveaway Winners Branding!!! I LOVED doing this project because I had so much freedom to do what inspired me. She wanted a variation of fun fonts and a simple floral/greenery element and these are the fun options I came up with. Doing branding never gets old for me. I love seeing how a great logo can transform a brand from ok to amazing and put together. A logo should make your business look the way you imagine it to be and reach the target market you want. Chelsea is a young California photographer with a light airy mood to her images. I think we chose the perfect final option.

The post Chelsea Emrich Photography appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.

Practicing Photography & My Little Sister Fri, 05 Aug 2016 15:59:00 +0000 Happy Birthday to my little sissy!!! I can’t believe she is so grown up and has a big girl job now. She teaches English to Jr. High students and they really love her (of course because she is so cool!) Nicole decided to dye her hair pink a few weeks ago and so I tried...

The post Practicing Photography & My Little Sister appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.

Nikki (1 of 26) Nikki (8 of 26) Nikki (3 of 26) Nikki (10 of 26) Nikki (6 of 26)
Nikki (18 of 26) Nikki (19 of 26) Nikki (20 of 26)

Happy Birthday to my little sissy!!! I can’t believe she is so grown up and has a big girl job now. She teaches English to Jr. High students and they really love her (of course because she is so cool!)

Nicole decided to dye her hair pink a few weeks ago and so I tried to take pics. I reaaalllly struggle but these were some of the good ones. I wish there was a workshop or something for real beginnners, like people who don’t even know how to use their camera. I’ll get there someday, for now I will just keep teaching myself and hoping for the best. Hope you have a lovely weekend and if you feel like it, give my sister a little shout out on my instagram post!

The post Practicing Photography & My Little Sister appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.

Maternity Pics Wed, 03 Aug 2016 22:58:16 +0000 internal_server_error <![CDATA[WordPress &rsaquo; Error]]> 500