clean Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl Lifestyle and Graphic Design Blog Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:57:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 clean Archives - Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl 32 32 Fiona Layne Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:21:25 +0000     I just did this branding for an amazing girl with fabulous style. She is starting a daily deals site focused on fashion and helping people find good deals on unique items. Hopefully the site will be up by Christmas so you can buy all of your gifts there. Her style was simple, malady...

The post Fiona Layne appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.

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I just did this branding for an amazing girl with fabulous style. She is starting a daily deals site focused on fashion and helping people find good deals on unique items. Hopefully the site will be up by Christmas so you can buy all of your gifts there. Her style was simple, malady ailment fashion oriented and targeted towards online shoppers with a younger style. I had a ton of fun making the patterns for this and mixing the neutrals with the pop of orchid. The goal was to keep it classic with a tiny bit of spice.

MUSIC INSPIRATION: Valentine~ Linus Young

I have been listening to this track like craaaazzzy this week. I am literally obsessed with this duet!



The post Fiona Layne appeared first on Kirsten Kizerian - West End Girl.
