Category: Deep Thinking

2+1 makes 3


Well most of you don’t know this about me and I have been really private about it because its a sensitive subject for me to talk about. But first the good news, I”M PREGNANT!!!!! It really is a miracle we got pregnant with our first time doing IUI (artificial insemination). In fact we had to…

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Tips: Working for yourself


I thought I would blog about something a little different from my usual. I think it is nice to talk about the subjects people always wonder when they skim through your stuff. I know when I find someone new to follow, I want to know all about them as a person, who they are, what…

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It is what it is


It has been a while since I have posted because I have been swamped with freelance and work. Life is chaos and I think this is a venting post. I feel like crap and I am always stressed. I think I am doing something wrong, overworking and having no balance. I already know the answer…

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What I have learned in my first year of marriage… well quite a lot actually. I was thinking how fast it went by and how much of a good thing that was to feel that way. In every marriage there will always be ups and downs and the things I have learned are what have…

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I got nominated for something called a Liebster award. It’s just a fun little award that is going around the blogging world right now, and it is a great way to get to know more about bloggers and find new blogs to follow! I was nominated by my friend Sheree, she is a newlywed who is…

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How to…Change the World. To learn a little something about me, you should know that I am EXTREMELY ambitious and very competitive. I would be categorized as a “type A” personality and with that has come a ton of challenges. I am never satisfied. When I was 19 I wrote a list of 100 things to…

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